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VoiceONE specializes in telephony and Voice over IP services and solutions based on open standards and technologies.
We have an active team of people, each with several years experience in the telecommunications business. Every day, our customers benefit from their expertise. Our management team, founders and partners are pioneers in VoIP, and are known around the world in the telecommunications field.
We have developed and bundled together a range of telephony products and services for businesses of all sizes and for individuals, all of which meet the highest quality criteria and are accessible at a low cost. Everything a company needs today in the area of modern telephony.
The telephony market, especially the market for voice over IP, is booming. Its benefits are obvious and companies have been migrating towards VoIP solutions at a dazzling speed over the past few years.
Choosing VoiceONE as your ITSP for today and tomorrow is the best choice you can make.
VoiceONE provides a complete set of inbound and outbound VoIP services to small, medium and large VoIP-equipped businesses, VoIP PBX integrators, callshops, and any other ITSP around the world.
We understand that you and your customers rely on voice services for mission critical business applications ranging from sales to customer support. You can count on VoiceONE for the present and the future.