Information and Communication Technologies
Prices in
  • All transport costs mentioned on this page are without VAT.
  • Delivery times are strictly informational and only for orders which are in stock.
  • Our orders are processed daily until 2PM. After 2PM orders will be processed the next day.
  • In case of a pickup in our office the will be no transport costs.
  • The VAT rate will depend on the country where the order is placed.

Country Delivery time Transport cost* VAT rate
Belgium - België - Belgique 24-48 hours 9.99 21.00
The Netherlands - Nederland - Pays-Bas 24-48 hours 9.99 19.00
Luxembourg - Luxemburg 24-48 hours 9.99 15.00
France - Frankrijk 24-48 hours 31.06 19.60
Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne 24-48 hours 31.06 16.00
United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Grande Bretagne 48-72 hours 43.93 17.50
Denmark - Denemarken - Danmark 48-72 hours 40.72 25.00
Ireland - Ierland - Irlande 72-120 hours 56.83 21.00
Norway - Noorwegen - Norvège 72-120 hours 108.26 0.00
Sweden - Zweden - Suède 72-120 hours 56.83 25.00
Poland - Polen - Pologne 72-120 hours 108.26 21.00
Austria - Oostenrijk - Autriche 72-120 hours 40.72 20.00
Switzerland - Zwitserland - Suisse 72-120 hours 108.26 0.00
Italy - Italië - Italie 72-120 hours 56.83 20.00
Greece - Griekenland - Grèce 72-120 hours 108.26 17.50
Turkey - Turkije - Turquie 72-120 hours 108.26 0.00
Spain - Spanje - Espagne 72-120 hours 56.83 16.00
Portugal 72-120 hours 56.83 19.00